
Fit Notes or Medical Certificates

Please click here to view "The fit note - A guide for patients and employees". This online guide explains what different sections of your fit note mean, and how you can use it to talk with your doctor and employer about returning to work.

Information for patients and their employers:-

Do you need a doctor’s certificate in the first seven days of an illness?

No - You only need a Fit Note if you are unable to work and are ill for longer than seven calendar days.  Illnesses that last less than one week are usually minor and self limiting and you may not need to contact your GP. It can be difficult for your GP to judge whether or not you are capable or not of reporting for work in this situation, it is for you to decide if you are fit for work.

After seven days please contact the Clinic to request a Fit Note, you can also request this via eConsult on our website: further information can be found by clicking here

Your employer will provide you with an SC2 self-certificate form to complete for shorter periods of illness or this can be found at:-

What are private sick notes and do you need one?

Some employers or insurance schemes will ask you to provide a private sick note.  The clinic will charge you a fee to provide you with a private ‘sick note’ - currently £25.

Ballater Clinic
January 2021

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